السلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركته
بسم الله, الحمد
لله الحمد لله الذى امرنا ان نتصدق بصداقةالجارية و نعمل بعمل صالح وامر باالصداق
والامنة و نهانا عن الكذب و الخيانة الصلاة وا لسلام على خير المرسلين سيدنا
وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وغلي اله وصحبه ومن تبعه إلي يوم الدين .أما بعد!
Honorable audience......
Respectable justice of juries..........
And ladies and gentlement.
Praise be to Allah the lord who has given us
blessing and mercies so we can geather in this meeting without any trobles for
the benifit of all man.
May sholawat and salam always be present to our
prophet Muhammad SAW as our guider has been guiding us to the right course, namely Addinul Islam.
First of all I would like thank to the commitee
board that has given me the time to deliver my speech under title
Dear audience brothers..............and sisters............
Every human sure has the ideal and the hope in
reaching a good life. There was a rumor said. A good view of life is the life
has been surrounded by wealth. There says the life has been given science there
says the life has been given discent. Even there says the life has been given a
beauty or handsome.
In the general view if the good life is the life
was prosperous in mattress of inner self and outer world. It has been explaned
in an arregement book tafsir fi dlilalil
The good life is a life that has been met five
principles :
1. The first
Has been overflown lawful luck and an accept or
qona’ah ( in arabic)
Islam is never limit person to reach a certain luck as much as possible,
except has been limited by the lawful manner that not deviate from religion.
Allah has almoshed it in Alqur’an :
ياأيها النا س كا
كلوا ممّا في الارض حلالا طيّبة وكلوا واشربوا ولا تسرفوا انّ الله لايحبّ
Of course every thing is prodused by te lawful
means sure will product calmness, happiness and the composure of soul. But the
other way, if in a result of luck is got by forbidding manner. For instance
there are decreasing a pair of scales, corruption, manipulation and still much
anothers sure ! It ‘ll always bring up uncomposure, inner shock, will be
descended on anxious and anxiety, so afraid if property loses, called by the
commition of corrupt elemination or KPK and others. Our prophet Muhammmad SAW
mentioned it in one hadist :
البّرمااطمئنّ فيه
القلب ومااطمئنّ إليه النفس والاثم ماحاك فى النّفس ويتردّدفى الصّدر
Remember ! one proptious step, the composure of
soul certainly will come. But the other way, if one evel step sure will bring
up the inner shock. And also in reaching a good luck. In Islam recomended in
order to emerge an accept in the human’s soul by what he produced from his
efforts. If not, they will strom and always have an ambission to get it by
miscalleneous manners. Rosulullah SAW gave an human’s characther in reaching
luck :
لو كان لإبن ادم
واد يان لابتغي ثالثا,ولوكا ن له ثالثا لابغي رابعا ولايملاء ابن ادم التراب
Honorable audience ...........
Supposing, in human’s soul; have two golden
revines, so they will make every efforts for in coming three golden revines.
But if they have got it, so they want to have it more more and more. And this
case will never stop until they have arrived or dead so...........!?
Let’s meditate upon Rosul hadist :
طوبي لمن هدي
للاسلام وكان عيثه كفافاوقنع
2. The second. Given luck of science
As we have known, in human’s self there are two things. They are Material
and spiritual. The material needs consumption like food, drink, snack.
But.........the spiritual needs consumption like science . By science the
human’s spiritual soul will be peacefull and prosperous. Because science is the
best gift from Allah. In the persue knowledge problem generally Rosulullah SAW
said :
كن عا لما ومتعلما
أومستمعا او محبا فلاتكن خامسا فتهلك
حياة الفتى والله
بالعلم والتّقى z إذا لم يكونا لعتبار لذاته
And this case also mentioned in one poem :
Islam has given a wide perception about science.
Where the someone maypersue the world science, may persue the bayond science.
And may persue both of them. The most importanting from all of it is exploited
for his self, family, community, and for God’s willing
In Human’s potential can surpass another cretures
like angels, animal, that’s all because of the science factor. The human who
can effort to fix an economic affair. That’s because of science. Included the
human can be the noblest in Allah’s side in bringing closer to Him. That’s also because of science too.
And the result, all of magnificent have been reached by human both on the world or beyond, the
existence of technology, They were because of science too!
Life will be blind if without theology
And without science, life will be lame.
It’s proof.......how important of science in our life is!
3. Now is the third principle. Given divine direction and god’s guindance
Given God’s guindance is the succes that has been
reached for example : a student wants to be scholar and it was reached , it is
gratify isn’t it ? A man worked hardly until his exertion was succes and could
reach a happiness and everything he wanted. Isn’t it gratifying ? We are given
a health by Allah until we can do all activities. They’re God’s guidence.
And of
course, Divine direction can income special happiness, Whatever divine direction
is participated by god’s guidance. So the step will be endured is always
prefesional. The near example : Man worked hardly and was succes. So took the
tethe, finansial support, man has knowledge and he put his knowledge to use for
4. A virtuous deed and character.
We have to know if the meaning of a virtious deed
is a person has good connection to human and Allah. In connection with that
Allah SWT said in An – nahl verse ninety
seven (97)
من عمل صالحا ن ذكر او انثى فهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حيوة طيبة
ولنجزينهم اجرهم باحسن ماكانو يعملون
So character is a certain flavoring in our
connection to Allah and human like home. If in the home’s area there are
beautiful garden, many beautiful flowers, sure many people will be attracted by
the home. And also, person has good connection to Allah in his act of devotion.
Rosulullah said
ما نقضت صدقةمن مال ومازاد الله عبدا بعفوالاعزومانواضع احد
لله الا رفعه الله تعالى
And the last............
5. Agreat beyond invesment ( the exalted of great beyond)
The signs to difference among the faithful one and
not is beleaning in the beyond life.
Islam religion gives advice if the world like must be made medium or bridge to reach the
beyond life. And the good is for reaching Allah’s heaven. So.................be
happy ! For people get happiness on the world and have invesment for the best
beyond life, it’s Allah heaven.
Dear audience..............
This is what I can deliver on this speech contest.
And may what I have conveyed we can open our mind to read the happeneing on this
earth. Add understanding of the truth and increase the measurement of the our
faith. And thank you very much for your attention.
اهدنا الصراط
المستقيم ثم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته
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