Senin, 23 Januari 2017


 السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركة
بسم الله والحمد لله, والصّلاة على أشرف المرسلين سيّدنا محمّد وعلى اله وصحبه ومن تبعهم اللّذين جاهدوالأعلاء دين الله الأسلام
Your Excellencies the Juries
Your Excellencies presidents of metting club
And my loving brothers
            There is no most beautiful word, we can say except, to thank and pray into Allah SWT. Because of his mercies and blessing everything can be performed without any troubles and obstacles.
            Peace and salution be upon the great messenger Muhammad and His household, his companious, and his faithful followers who strive in Allah’s religion ‘’ISLAM’’
            Before I’m going to explain my too important speech title in this happy chance. I’d like to thank the chairman who has provided the good change for me to speak on this pulpit in front of you all.
My brothers in islam
Gentlemen and Ladies
Now a days, Indonesia is surprised by new sensation of youth’s habits. It can be known from their custom, tradition, language, appearance and their daily life style. The daily life style that they often call it ‘’Modern Trend’’ we don’t know exactly their habits from their own mind or not, but several of them are caused by the influence of west culture which is coming to Indonesia.
The influence of west culture has almost spread all of Indonesia region. Not only to the young people who are inclined to the glamour life in the big city, but also to the young people who are far from crowded in the village.
Of course, we can’t blame their habits change. Because commonly the young people just want to express their style by cheating their idol, even they have to spend much money only to do it.
Gentlemen and Ladies
            Talking about the influence of west culture which is coming to Indonesia. We can divide it to be two sides.
1.      Positive effect
And it’s related with language. We have known well that several of Indonesia students study other Indonesia language, Such as : Arabic, English, Japan and so on. But recently, they like more using English to be 2 languages in their daily life. It’s good, because we have known well that English is an international language which is used by many people in this world. So ,,,it will make easy for them to communicate with other people in the broad.
Well Audience
2.      Negative effect
It’s dominant than positive effect. Maybe every day we see it on the television ; kissing between man and woman when they meet each other, Women wear the costum showing their genitals that make man desire, free sex, pornography, porno action and so on.
Gentlemen and Ladies
            We are as young generation. We must able to filter which one the best one and which one the worst one from west culture. So that, our original culture isn’t lost from our beloved country. Don’t cheat whatever coming from west culture. Let’s keep our good morality wherever and whenever we are.
Well Audience
Gentlemen and Ladies
            Begin this time. I am sure, we have known and understand that the foreign culture is breaking the Indonesia young generation morality, day after day, month after month or even year after year and they can’t stop it except by their own awareness.
Dear Audience
And my all muslim brothers
            That’s all for this time being for me, and I hope it’s enough for you to know and understand . I beg your pardon and thank much for your attention, the last I say.

ثمّ السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركة

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