السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين ,الرحمن الرحيم الذي خلق الانسان
واختلاف ألسنتكم وألوانكم لتعرفوا بينكم وبين اخويكم. والصلاة والسلام علي سيدنا
محمّد وعلي اله واصحابه والذين اتقوا بحقوق الايمان وعملوا الصالحات.
Honorable audience......
Respectable justice of juries..........
And ladies and gentlement.
Praise be to Allah the lord who has given
us blessing and mercies so we can geather in this meeting without any trobles
for the benifit of all man.
May sholawat and salam always be present
to our prophet Muhammad SAW as our guider has been guiding us to the right course, namely Addinul Islam.
First of all I would like thank to the
commitee board that has given me the time to deliver my speech under title
Dear audience brothers
and sister !
The world where we live now is different with the past and also
different with the future. Now days we are being faced and tested with the
development of science and technology.
We have often found everywhere most of people use many kinds of
sophisticated tools in daily life. From babies until the old person use the
sophisticated tools that is very latest technology.
They make every effort to reach the aim of life. It is
equitable prosperity in material and spiritual, so that they use assorted
powers and modern tools. This case has been really very proper found in modern
society now. Like the argumentation said by the chief of LIPI Prof. Dr. H. Tb.
Bahtiar Rifa’i about modern human features. “They are people who have the view
with the bright future that concern them selves, family, community and country”.
Allah in Holy Qur’an has confirmed it
يايها الذين امنوا اتقو الله ولتنظر نفس ما قد مت لغد واتقواالله ان الله
خبير بما تعملون
The future according to Islam is not
limited to the world only. Namely the future of children and nation but also
the future after death.
Dear audience !
Having a certain the view of future
means thinking and making every effort as maximal as possible to create the
next world better and brighter than the world today. But, in a fact, what we
see is so far from what we hoped, human’s life in this modern era has been near
to reach the top of dangerous climax and far from Islamic laws. Most of them
exploit the technology just for what carries detriment for example: internet
technology, in this archeological sire. We can find many pornographic
archeological site that generally has been consumed by majority of public.
Either from student of secondary degree to old people.
This case surely can damage the morality of young
generation. And this case certainly contradicts with our hope. We entrust our
hope to the young generation who are hoped to repair our life of this nation
better and better in the next. But, what we see now is so far from pour hope.
The young generation precisely get turpitude of moral. The way of thinking
damage, integral faith in their soul. They don’t inherit kindness, knowledge
and the nobleness generation’s character before at all. This matter surely able
to damage our next nation’s life, the turpitude of moral, character, culture
and destitution of science even can cause, the decline in understanding religion
and socializing.
In connection with that Allah has admonished in Qur’an :
فخلق من بعدهم
خلف اضاعوا الصلوة واتبعوا الشهوات فسوف ياقون غيا
This case also mentioned in one poem :
وانما الامم
الاخلاق ما بقيت # وان هموا ذهبت اخلاقهم ذهبوا
The one nation will get the victory if young
generation have the good deeds
Dear Moslem generation!
As the young generation who live in this
area we must effort maximally to create the country brighter future and with
good intend for bequeathed this world to the next generation, especially with
the useful thing. Rasulullah SAW explained it in one hadits
انك ان تذر
ورثتك اغفياء خير من ان تدرهم عالة يتكففون الناس اغطوه او منعوه (متفق عليه)
If you leaved the heir with enough condition, it is
better than you leaved the poor generation. They only able to beg, either will
be given or refused. On the other hand, like in wise word
لقد غرسواحتي
اكلناواننالنغرس حتي ياكل الناس بعدنا
The last people had planted until we can eat the fruits
and now the time for us to plant, so that the people after us can eat the crop.
If we pay attention on wise world above
apparently we have been benefit many service of our last parent. Thus, now is
the change for us to save the good deed as the good example for the next
Thus, we pray to Allah in order to be given
awareness, so we are able to exploit what Allah has given us great grant and
gift by science. So they can create all kinds of sophisticated technology, we
are as the young generation hoped tube able to exploit it well with nothing
damages morality of country and religion. Moreover, may! We are able to be human
live having useful science. The strong faith and the happiness in the world and
here after
Dear Audience,
That’s is what I can deliver in this
speech contest, from the first until the end I apologize to you all for many
mistake in speaking and thank you for your appreciation
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