Senin, 23 Januari 2017


Justice  of juries
Honorable master of ceremony
And my loving audience
Firstly, lets thanks to Allah SWT the almighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing until we can attend this meeting without  any obstacles in this happy place and time.
            Secondly, may sholawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW. Peace be upon him who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the next world.
            Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank to master of ceremony who has given an opportunity for me to deliver my speech in front of you all. In this time I would like to present my speech under the title :


Ladies and Gentlemen
            Like we have to known that looking for science is the whole moslem’s obligation. As the decree of our prophet Muhammad SAW

So…………..Why did  our prophet Muhammad SAW obligate us to look for science ??? The answer is because of sciences very important in our life, because of science we can conquer many creatures in this world as like mountains , sky, moon, fire animal and the planets, and because of science we can be leader of all creatures in this world and we can be the best because of it. If we don’t have science we should like the other creatures, and we will be foolish man because we don’t know anything  so we will be worse than the other creatures.

Dear brothers and sisters in one aqidah
            As I said above that looking for science is very important in this life because of science we will get fortunate in this world or in the hereafter. Therefore  who wants to get fortunate in this world they must have science, and who wants to get fortunate in the hereafter they must have science too……
Like the decree of our prophet Muhammad SAW ;

Allah has differentiated between man and animal is from their mind, and Islam always invites someone to think objectively not un objectively, without knowledge a fundamental  somebody isn’t allowed to begin thinking from the guess of hesitation. It must be a proof to get rid of the way to think unthinkable.

Dear moslem generation
            When you asked by somebody ‘’What’s your fundamental to think objectively and then your practice it ?.’’If we are moslem we must answer that from glorious Al-qur’an and sunnah Rasulullah SAW and both of them are foundation of thinking objectively. Why does the main basic have to be Al-qur’an ?
We have to know that Al-qur’an is the only book that staits. It’s perfectness, it doesn’t develop, it isn’t changed due to wrong. It isn’t added and subtracted. And Al-qur’an is the only book which will always be kept it’s original. Allah said in the holly Al- qur’an ;
Al-qur’an is the only book which has been educating and leading man to the clear of civilization, therefore as the learned man use sound mind and pure heart to study about  this matter. Is there book which can compare with Al-qur’an ??? The answer is NOTHING !!!.

Ladies and Gentlemen
            Here we can conclude that the purpose of looking for science is for acting of devotion to our god, Allah it’s mean that the purpose of looking for science in an education is for creating moslem  who has science faith and pretty, which all of those can facilitate to get success and happiness in this world and those of hereafter. Islam always order us to look for science as long as we are still life in this world.
Proverb said ‘’ A LONG LIFE IS EDUCATION ‘’.

Dear brothers and sisters

            I think that’s all my speech, I apologize all of my mistakes. Thanks very much for your attention and appreciation and may Allah bless you eternally. And the last I say WASSALAMUALAIKUM WR. WB

1 komentar:

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