السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته
الحمد لله حمدا يوافى ويكافى مزيدة
,الصلاة والسلام على سيدنامحمد الفاتح لمااغلق والخاتم لماسبق ناصرالحق بالحق
والهادى الى صراطك المستقيم وعلى آله واصحابه حق قدرةومقداره العظيم.
Honorable audience......
Respectable justice of juries..........
And ladies and gentlement.
Praise be to Allah the lord who has given
us blessing and mercies so we can geather in this meeting without any trobles
for the benifit of all man.
May sholawat and salam always be present
to our prophet Muhammad SAW as our guider has been guiding us to the right course, namely Addinul Islam.
First of all I would like thank to the
commitee board that has given me the time to deliver my speech under title
Dear Audience...
For the members of Islam community either male or
female generally ordered and also demanded to persue knowledge either theology
or general science and should for community human of them have a will to
broaden its theology and hoped can be a religion central figure in society on
this case is about command of the good deed and prohibition of the deny like in
arabic language أمر معروف نهى منكر . Allah SWT
confirmed it in holy Qur'an :
فلولا نفر من كلّ فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقّهوا فى الدين
وليوندروا قومهم إذارجعوا إليهم لعلّهم ليحذرون
Moslem boarding school is as the place to
broaden theology and put knowledge to use for society which have gotten in
anccordance with the Islamic instruction. Therefore, the role of deny is so big
and important especially the religius pupil should be consider to the situation
and condition of public. Among others : By the existence of disavowels that have
been poisonning the moral of public so ? For religius pupil who as an important
figure at religion deserve to get rid of dinials above by using some method
like what they have thaugt and approved. Included in that matter is about the
manner to make society realize the dangerous of narcotic which can bring damage
up either the damage of the body, soul, mind or aqidah.
Islam religion has educated the method or
missionary edeavor sometime by using a wise missionary endeavor, a good advice,
and the next is holding a dialogue well.
Dear Audience...
For removing thing needs patience and
tolerence in extending the efect that will be approved. It means in making them
aware of it needs rational and unrational principles.
Ladies and gentlemen...
This is what I can deliver on this speech contest
and from the first until the last I ask apologize to you for my mistakes. And
thank you for your attention...
ثم السلام عليكم
ورحمة الله وبركته
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