Senin, 23 Januari 2017


ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ألحمدلله، الذي جعلأمة محمد خير الأمم اخرجت للناس. والصلاة والسلام على من قال من أراد الدنيا فعليه بالعلم ومن أراد الأخرة فعليه بالعلم ومن أرادهما فعليه بالعلم- الحديث-.
Ladies and gentlemen
Honorable juries
And dear audience…
          Praise be to Allah, the lord who has given us blessing and mercies so we can gather in this meeting without any troubles and obstacles. For the benefit of all man.
          May sholawat and salam always be presented to our prophet Muhammad saw as our guider has been guiding us to the right course. It is addinul Islam.
          First of all, I'd like to thank the committee board that has given me time to deliver my speech under the title: THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION.
            Dear audience,
Mastering science well is as a condition of someone to gain bliss in life. For example: someone who masters English is as the international language. We have known that in this modern era almost all aspects of life from the smallest to the biggest ones mostly use English as the lingua franca of it. For instance; in the field of business, commerce, administration, and government. Knowing this, we are as students, we are demanded to be able to anticipate the situation, transition, development, and the progress of civilization, even it is in the field of language. As the role of language is very important for the success or the failure of someone's career.
Dear audience,
In the field of education, English plays an important role. Because by mastering English well, it means that we have a key to open the door of science. We can study science of which sources are written in English. I think we have known that almost all science books have been written in English, don't we? And by mastering English well, we can exchange information with other countries about the thing which closely connected with education. Nowadays our government has been sending the students abroad to study the science. And the students that are sent are the students who master English of course. Because the science that will be studied by them is served in English. That's why the role of English is considered very important in the field of education.
Dear audience,
I think we have known the importance of English, mainly in this era. And we are going to face the globalization era, aren't we? Aren't we aware about this? And what will we have to prepare for facing the globalization era? The answer is studying the science. And studying needs a skill in a language, and the language that has to be mastered is only English. Because it is the only International language. Knowing the importance of English, as students we must study and master it. If we can't master it, we will be left to study the science. I know that English used to be as a bugaboo subject in the eyes of students, it used to be, but now it isn't. As almost all students nowadays have been aware of the importance of it. And English in eyes of them is as a language that must be studied and mastered.  
Dear audience,
          That’s all for my speech, and I hope what I have delivered can be an addition of knowledge for the students in order to know the importance of English in the field of education.

ثم السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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