Senin, 23 Januari 2017


ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ألحمد لله رب العالمين، الرحمن الرحيم، الذي خلق الإنسان واختلاف ألسنتكم و ألوانكم لتعرفوا بينكم و بين أخويكم. والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد و على أله و أصحابه و الذين اتقوا بحقوق الإيمان و عملوا الصالحاتز أما بعد...
Honorable juries,
Dear audience, my brothers and sisters.
          First of all, let's thank to Allah the Al Mighty who has been giving us some mercies and blessing until we can attend this English speech competation without any troubles and obstacles in this happy place and time.
          Secondly, may salulation and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world as well as in the next world.
          Thirdly, I'll never forget to thank to honorable juries and competation commite  who have given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all, under the title "THE STRONG RELATION BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE FOR YOUNG GENERATION IN THIS ERA".
Ladies and gentlement,
We have realized that young generation have big role in our life, of course all of their activities can't rid of technology. Nowadays, modern technology increase very quickly to consider our occupation. Because human's occupation will add from generation to generation. Because of that it's very significant for us as young generation to accord this condition with modern technology which has big role in our life. Along ago people needed time for weeks just to send their news to their relations, but now in few minutes people can communicate easily by telephone. Beside that now it's very easy for us to look for information, because now internet is available everywhere so of course it's very useful for young generation in their education to increase their knowledge.
Honorable juries and dear audience,
In the field of material and progress of science we should imitate Japan, it's small country but short decades. It can master the world of science and industry. It's very great, really great. And as the question we are as young generation will we defeat with them? The answer is no, never. Because this nation future is in our hand so we as young generation we must study hard to increase and improve our knowledge.
Allah has given us the description about the importance of science in surat mujadalah verse 11:
 يرفع الله الذين آمنوا منكم والذين اوتوا العلم درجات.
"Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees".
          From the content of this verse, we are as young, generation have interpreted that science isn't merely theology  only, but also other science that support to success of our life.
Honorable juries, Dear audience
Sometimes people have opinion that teenagers I identical with steady and free sex. But I think it's wrong assumption because teenagers have big role to increase our country. So we as young generation we must study hard to reach our aim, as proof that their assumption is wrong. Abdullah Zainy said in his poem :
إحذروا معاشر الشبان   #      واجتنبوا غوائل الزمان
و اتقوا ربكم الرحمن    #      مادامت الارواح بالابدان
تزودو بالعلموالايمان    #      تفقهو فى الدين والقرأن
إجتهدوا بالشبان         #      قبل اجسادكم دان
From this poem we can conclude that the teenagers must be careful to do all of their jobs and They must keep their behavior and of course they must supply their selves by faith and Alqur'an because its is very important for them.
Honorable Audience and juries !
Thus is what I can convey and hopefully by what I have just delivered we can realize that technology and science is so important for young generation in their education in this era, because their relation is so strong. May be We will have spirit more to study hard, because We're next generation for our beloved country. Finally pardon me for the lacks of it and the last I say.
وباالله التوفيق والهداية . ثم السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته

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