Senin, 23 Januari 2017


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

الحمد لله رب العالمين و به نستعين على أمور الدنيا و الدين. والصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد. و على أله و صحبه أجمعين. أما بعد.
Honorable our Ulama.
Honorable the committee of English speech contest.
Respectable the grand juries.
Respectable the participant of English speech contest.
Dear happy brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, let me have to say thanks to our God, Allah swt, who has been giving us mercies and blessings, so we can gather here in a good condition without any troubles and obstacles.
Secondly, our peace and salutation be upon with our prophet, Muhammad saw, who broke the darkness be the lightness in full of blesses, namely Islam. And because of him, the black history of human being has changed to the bright one.
Thirdly, I will never forget to say thank you very much to master of ceremony, who has given me opportunity to speak in front of you all. I hope that I can use the opportunity as well as possible

Happy Moslem brothers and sisters.
As we know that Allah had decided his creature’s age. It means that all of Allah’s creature will pass away. Our president, our governor, our regent, our grandparents, our parents, our teachers, and all of our old generations will pass away. The question now is who will take over the old generation’s position in the future? It must be us, as young generation, who will continue the old generation’s role in the future.
We, as young generation, are the future of the country. Whether we want or not, we will take over the old generation’s position in the future. As Arabic wise word, “Nowadays young generation will be the old generation in the future.”
May be there is a question of the audience here. Are all nowadays young generation will be a president, a governor, or a regent? No, it isn’t absolutely so. But, the wise word above tells us that nowadays young generation will absolutely be responsible the future of life. Because the advance and the declining of future culture depend on how the good or the bad generations are. Our prophet had said:

إن فيى أيديكم أمر الأمة و في أقدمكم حياتها

“In your hands, there are people problems absolutely. And in your feet, there is the life of them.”

From the prophet’s saying above, we can take a lesson. If inn an area, there is good generation, good worship, and good conduct, of course the area will be friendly, cheerful, and peaceful. But, if the generations in an area have bad habits, like to buy toggle and to be drunkards, of course the life situation there will seem glum, dark, and also make us feel unhappy to stay there.
Therefore, in this good occasion, I invite the participant of English speech contest specially and all young generations generally. Let’s prepare us right now!!! Study all knowledge you want, both Islamic and general science wholeheartedly.
For preparing ourselves to take over the old generation’s position in the future, we need three aspects which must be mastered by us. Here, they are:

1.      The Healthy Body
The healthy body is an important aspect for preparing ourselves to obtain our ambition. How can? The healthy body is the great modal for us to have healthy brain. Because, the wise word had said, “Men sanna in corpore sano.” It means, “In the healthy body, there is healthy brain.”
Let’s analyze for a moment! If our body is unhealthy, we will not feel comfort to study in the class. It causes we can’t accept the lesson from teacher well. The second phenomenon is related with biological concept. If our body is unhealthy, the circulation of blood will not swift. In the other side, the blood brings much nutrition for our body. If the circulation of blood is not swift, the brain may not accept enough nutrition. It can cause the speed of thinking is not fast enough. Therefore, we must keep our body healthy.

2.      The Healthy Brain
The second important aspect is healthy brain. If we have healthy brain, we can think everything clearly and can solve the problems well. It will be the great modal to make regeneration in our life. Specially, to take over the old generation’s position in the future. Muhammad’s nephew has ever said:

ألا لا تـــنال العــلم إلا بـــســتة
ذكاء و حـرص و اصــطبار وبلغــــة
ســأنبيك عن مجموعـها بـــــبيـان
وإرشــاد أستــاذ و طــول زمـــان

“Remember, you can’t accept knowledge well when you don’t handle six factors. They are healthy brain, great willing, great patience, enough fees, teacher’s guidance, and taking long time for studying.”

Those six factors must be handled by us if we want to be able accept knowledge well. And let’s see! The first factor is healthy brain. It indicates that healthy brain is very important factor for accepting knowledge well.
But, remember that our religion doesn’t differentiate between knowledge. All of knowledge is same. All of knowledge is taken from Koran. Such as, mathematic, physic, biology, fiqih, nahwu, shorof, and the others are taken from Koran. Therefore, who wants to be a doctor, study medical science as hard as possible! Who wants to be architecture, be a professional architecture! Who wants to study about law, both religion and general, in its detail form, please stud as hard as possible! In order, we can be real professional lawyer in the future. But, one problem you have to remember devotes god and culture moral conduct whenever and wherever you are in.
Like what I’ve just said that in the healthy body, there is healthy brain. Our body will be healthy if it obtains enough nutrition. If we want to make our brain healthy, we must give enough nutrition too. Some of the brain’s nutrition is knowledge, reading Koran, avoiding negative thinking, and the other biological nutrition.
Imam Al-Ghozali had said, “If our brain hasn’t obtained knowledge anymore for three days, our brain will pass away.” It shows that knowledge is the most important nutrition for our brain. And the other nutrition participates as supplement for our brain. Let’s keep our brain healthy!

3.      The Healthy Soul
Last but not least aspect is the healthy soul. The health of soul is the basis modal for establishing good behavior. In the other hand, behavior’s establishment is not as far as fast food’s service. Behavior’s establishment needs long time. Our prophet, Muhammad saw, needs several years to establish good behavior of his followers. His great sacrifice, in several years, can make his followers to be leader, commander, soldier, large scale merchant, and the other profession in our life with popular intelligence, emotion, and spiritual.
Now, the problem is what is the importance of good behavior? If we analyze, our beloved country, Indonesia, has many intellectual people. For example, Ir. Soekarno, who can bring Indonesia into global world, B.J. Habibie, who can develop the technology of Indonesia, and the other intellectual old generation. Beside that, we also have the intellectual young generation. For example, George Sa’a, who won physic Olympiad, which is held in Poland. But, why? Why is our country left by the other country? Why? It is caused by the unhealthy soul. Yes, it’s right, our intellectual people have high intelligence, but many of them don’t have good behavior. What a dissension!
How we make our soul healthy? We can keep it healthy by steping our prophet’s method. He had said:

“My child, verily, I will teach you some lessons. Keep our obligation to Allah, in order Allah will keep you. Keep your sunnah to Allah, in order Allah will face you when you meet him. If you want to ask, ask to Allah. If you want to seek for helping, ask to Allah for helping you.”

The principle of our prophet’s statement is the foundation of soul which has invested by Muhammad for children and teenagers. Do we have braver to practice it and repeat his success? We must have it if we want to take over the old generation’s position.

Well audiences.
If we want to make our country has beautiful name, we must keep ourselves healthy in any side. And also, we must keep our young generations too. In order, our country will have a beautiful name, namely 3G country. What is 3G country? It is glorious, gracious, and graceful country.

Ok. I think that’s all and thank for your attention. I hope that m speech will be useful for us in this world and the day after. Last of saying,

والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

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